Adventures in Birdland

About a year and a half ago, I got Cowboy some parakeets for Father’s Day. He has had birds for most of his teenage years up through adulthood so they are always a good gift for him.
We have a blue/gray/black male named Ramsey Birdton and an albino we think is female names Bird Snow. They each have their own personalities They love being put to bed at night, Cowboy always talks to them and says goodnight before he covers them, they squawk and talk when they are ready for me to uncover them, I say good morning and refresh their food and water while talking to them.
Bird Snow is more skittish and does not like being handled and she hates being out of the cage. Ramsey is more inquisitive and he will eat millet out of Cowboy’s hand. Ramsey loves taking a bath and he actually occasionally can be found in their water dish taking a bath and swimming if their bath tub isn’t in the cage.
We have tried to give them fresh produce but, they have never eaten it. These two do not even like the honey treat we had in the cage for them when we first got them. They prefer their toys be made of wood and rope.
We recently introduced a nesting box to their cage but, after 3 weeks, they have not laid any eggs yet. I did some research into possible reasons why they did not attempt to breed and it turns out that albinos are not good breeders. So we are looking into getting another female to see if she might breed with Ramsey.
I will keep an update on things as we progress and the birds grow.

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