Weight Loss

Everyone says when you are on a weight loss journey you should not obsess about what the scale says. To a point this is true, but, I must say, I am very proud of what the scale says.
When I started my “get healthy weight loss” journey in November 2015, I was 210 pounds, on two different blood pressure medications, a size 22 pants, and on my way to being insulin dependent diabetic.
Now, 16 months later, I am down 50 pounds! When I went to the doctor for a very bad cold, I am now 161 pounds, on only the very small blood pressure medication, a size 14 pants, and no blood sugar issues at all!
My goal when I started was to be off the blood pressure medication completely. That, I have learned, will never happen. The blood pressure medication is needed because of the heart condition. Taking it allows my heart to not work as hard, which relieves stress on the deformed valve. So I am counting being on only the small dose pill as a victory.
My journey is far from over. I achieved my first few short term goals of getting off the high dose medication, getting my blood sugar under control, and getting out of size 20+ pants.
Now, it is time to set my next short term goals and figure out how to achieve them. These goals need to be realistic and I need an action plan to meet them.
So, my new goals. I would love to be in a size 10 in six months time.
I also would like to work on my physical endurance. I know it is not realistic to get back to where I was in basic training as far as endurance. I have never been a long distance runner. So, for now, I an setting a goal where, in six months, I will be able to jog a mile without needing to stop because I am winded. I can achieve this by walking and gradually increasing the speed over time. Since this is a cardio activity, I will need to be mindful of my heart and how hard it is working, but this will help strengthen my heart, which will in turn help the deformed valve not work as hard.
My last short term goal is to tone my stomach up a bit and  tone my legs back to where they were when I joined the military. My legs were my best physical feature, strengthened and toned from hours on the soccer field calling games. I would love to have the muscle tone in them return.
So, here’s to getting further along in my physical fitness journey!

New Year, New Me

Well, I am serious about the weight loss thing. Maybe getting to my goal weight will help with my blood pressure, maybe it will help with my self esteem. So, this is the start. Over the last week, I lost one pound, which isn’t bad. A few things are going to start happening.
First I am going to start keeping a food diary on my computer. I will keep track of everything i eat and drink. The first step is to drink more water. I know, most people say drinking water helps, and maybe it will.
I also have a walking partner, in a way. Twice a day I will walk the dog for 10 minutes at a time to start. I am also going to take a nutrition class online that I found for free. This is a start. Oh, and when I walk with the dog, I will wear actual sneakers and not sandals or boots, something comfortable to walk in.
My initial goal is 145 pounds. I will do a “Weigh-In Wednesday” and I will refuse to step on the scale any other day. I will not obsess about the number.
It takes a lot for me to admit just how much I have let the number get out of control. I am currently a size 16-18 depending on the garment. That is unacceptable for me. My first goal is to get down to a size 14 again.
It won’t be easy, and I will slip up a little, but it is all about getting back on the proverbial horse when I mess up.


Well, it’s the start of the new year. Time to renew the promises made last year that weren’t upheld.
I usually don’t make a resolution to begin the new year. I don’t see the point of becoming a self professed martyr when you don’t live up to the resolutions. So, I have never made one seriously as an adult. Oh, yeah, as a kid or teen I made the usual ones, get a boyfriend during the year, to pass every single test I took, etc… But as an adult? Never.
So, why change that this year? Because something needs to change. Over the last 12 months, I have gained 25 pounds. That might not sound like too much, but for me, it is. It has caused the effects of my PCOS to be worse, more visible, and has severely effected my self esteem.
So, my goal for this year is to drop the 25 pounds I gained last year plus 10 more (I was already slightly overweight to begin with). Even though I have the “pounds” goal, I will not o seas over it. I will, however, work on toning my stomach, getting my legs back to the killer gams I had growing up (my legs were one of my two best features), and I will tighten my tushy.
Over the next week or so I need to join some accountability blog circles, find a work out partner who will walk/run with me, and set up realistic goals for myself. I need to really clean out my fridge and pantry of the junk, and I need to find my favorite skirt under the junk in my closet to use as motivation.
Who is with me on this goal?